
For Students

Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Guidance

We are all students, and our perpetual studentship is essential for our ongoing understanding, healing, growing, and being. So for students of all levels, and teachers alike, together we’ll create and uniquely tailor a one-time, one month, four month or annual guidance program through modern day understanding of ancient yogic, zen, and humanist principles.

These programs are designed based on the inherent individuality of each pupil. And are a simple and systematic approach to dealing with and navigating with intention the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual spectrums.

Whether it’s deepening your yoga practice as a student or teacher, or learning to work with and manage challenging and sometimes stifling emotions, like doubt, fear, guilt, shame, grief, transparency, depression, illusion, attachment.

One on one sessions can be a useful tool to create the strongest foundation possible to move forward physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in a healthy way that most truly and honorably suits you.

In-person and virtual offerings are available. Fill out the intake form below for consultation and booking.

Form Coming Soon

the Grateful Yoga teacher training

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